Monday, July 14, 2008

A point of view

My MJW dorm experience has led me to view college in a whole new light. Never have I, thought of college and thought of a tiny, cramped space with beds that crunch when you sit on them. I thought of grand opportunities to live independently. Never did I think of dirty community showers that make you cringe when you look at them and make you wonder how updated you are on your tetanus shot requirements. I thought out private suites and personal space. The floor, stained with... well, I don't really want to know. And the sinks, stained and splattered with rust, adding color to the ivory tone. I have always thought of college as this grand experience which can completely shape your life. The "prime of your life" and "a new beginning."

Although I do realize college is all of these things, this week I learned about all things that going to college is going to make me give up. My mom making me breakfast and waking me up in the morning. My dad taking me shopping and preparing my dinner. My nice, comfortable bed which I love to snuggle into and sleep for hours. The same sleep I will lose at college because I can't sleep when I here the noise my neighbor is making. My clean and personal shower were I can relax and I don't have to wear shoes in it. My bathtub when I want to kick back and relax. My unlimited meal choices, which at home I currently enjoy. (And vary frequently.)My car, conveniently located in garage, helping me get where every I want to go. My space in the bathroom. One of my many loves.

See, I realized college is more of journey than a vacation. That it's a leap in self discovery and imagine. Its a chance to learn new information in class and about yourself in the real world. (Most importantly because its your first time in it.)

MJW is giving me a preview of college life. Living in the dorms, eating on a meal plan, and walking to class. No more driving my car or riding the yellow limousine, also known as the big cheese. So far, I have enjoyed the experience. It's a good sample. A sample of Alabama and a sample of college.

Staying at Paty Hall , I have been trying to picture myself here, in college, on my own. Luckily, I feel like I am a good match, but you never know.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Walking down the aisle, my loves were both near my side. On my left, my strong and helpful crutch, always willing to pick me up when I’m down. On my right, the fun loving, passionate side which expels me into a journey of magic every time I enter its beautiful, angelic world. Staring at both, I never knew they could ever join, become one, and unite.

MJW taught me just that.

Walking in the parking lot asile, the journalism camp dorm was on my left hand side. Staring and observing, it was ready to engulf me in a journey of self discovery and confidence.

Journalism has and will always be my crutch, holding me up and giving me strength. It’s my passion and hopefully one day, my career. This unknown fate patiently awaited to my left.

On my right, a dance camp building. An all emcompassing spiral of flare and excitement. My personal fairytale were I can lose myself and find the person I always wished I could be. I love just letting go of everything and taking stalk in the world around me. Dance seems to make the world slow down so I can appreciate everything inside it.

At MJW this week, I learned to keep your interest in mind even if you’re perusing a career in journalism. Alos, that you will never know when that love will play into effect. That I can keep dancing and that might even help me out in the long run. The cohesion of the two just may be what sets me apart from the rest, giving me the edge.

All in all, giving me life in my writing and passion in my heart. Allowing,my two loves to marry today, and now they one I can be proud of.